Hey DAO, What do you value?

Sean Moore Gonzalez
2 min readAug 16, 2022

People exhaust me. People empower me.

Sometimes I drink to deal with people.

Sometimes I drink having fun with people.

We want to recognize value when we see it.

We want to be recognized.

We want to explore and be a part of valued relationships.

Ironically a lot of discussions around DAOs focus on centralized planning. This incentive, this cursus honorum, this value exchange, this reward, this governance, this voting, this rigid unchanging thing 🙄 Whatever we come up with, it has to organically evolve with observations in/validating expectations. In a word: Science.

We all have 24 hours in a day. How many valued interactions in a day?

A Value Token recognizes when people interact. However many we get, hodling must devalue those tokens, NFTs, POAPs, or whatever, for the hodler and not everyone else. In other words don’t be a hermit, use ‘em or lose ’em.

When we give a Value Token, we expect others to value that gift as well. No one lives your matrix but you, no one has time to evaluate how you get dressed, that’s central planning aka the Time Variants Authority (TVA, see Loki). Observations must in/validate expectations, a DAO must know what it collectively values, observe it, compare it to expectations, and recognize value networks that make the best predictions.

What do you value?



Sean Moore Gonzalez

Data Science Consultant - Data Viz, Product Dev, Community Support