Pizza DAO

Sean Moore Gonzalez
3 min readSep 7, 2022

Pizza service is a classic high school job. You just got a car, now you can deliver. You’ve been practicing spinning pizza dough your whole life, now’s your chance!

Reality is, you’re trippin. First job is probably scrubbing toilets. In time they’ll trust you with toppings, and when you start managing the other high schoolers, that’s when the big bucks start rollin’ in!! 🤣🤣

Coming to America

Needless to say, there’s a lot of turnover at pizza restaurants, especially with high school kids. You’ll make some money, but nothing to brag about. Is there something more to look forward to?

Believe it or not, kids want to know their value. Value with their peers, value with their community, value at their pizza job. Getting paid near minimum wage to scrub toilets or spin pizzas doesn’t validate daily decisions. We see problems all around us, we want to be impactful, we want to know the effect of our decisions. We are social animals.

I believe we can use blockchain tech to administer a “Pizza Bucks” program where kids validate each other and earn in a decentralized and autonomous way. There are so many options with fungible tokens, NFTs, POAPs, NFNTT/Souldbound tokens, etc., but the basic idea is simple:

  1. Distribute a limited number of tokens,
  2. Track who gifts those tokens,
  3. Recognize the highest performer(s)

Performance can be recognized every day, week, month, quarter, whatever works. Recognition can be an award, a profit share, an invitation, or all of the above.

I’ve already shopped this around a little and I know some of you are thinking about the “Nosedive” episode from Black Mirror, where a young woman can get that new apartment if she boosts her credit score.. I mean social score, to 4.5 out of 5 stars.

Black Mirror “Nosedive” episode

I thought this too, and Pizza Bucks are different in three key ways:

  1. You have a limited number of tokens → So distribute wisely.
  2. You have to work with the people you validate → So recognize your crew.
  3. You’re all part of the business → Share in the value that emerges.

Every day we can recognize value.

Every day we can Help 2 Earn.

Every day we can experiment and learn.

The kids will gift and re-gift their Pizza Bucks however they decide, the highest performers will be at the center of that flow. The value of their activity can be measured every day, week, month, or whatever makes sense. Let’s say each week pizza sales are tallied, in a profit sharing approach they highest performer(s) would earn a share of those profits they affect.

Sharing tokens literally creates a social value graph, which can be used to recognize performance as well as outliers and overall health. If all the tokens are going through one person, you may find they’re a bully or just that good, but you have good reason to inquire. If the social value graph connection density follows a power law, you likely have a healthy workforce.

This program is easily administered. The pilot can be a discord bot tallying token shares in a spreadsheet. The scalable product might be a series of smart contracts or a DAO, enabling secondary uses like recording performance in a transcript for schools and employers, or proof of residency for the IRS.

Going, going, almost gone are the days of automaton employees.

Welcome to the sharing economy.



Sean Moore Gonzalez

Data Science Consultant - Data Viz, Product Dev, Community Support